Introduction to R for Risk and Trading - Pilot

Nov 1, 2015 in



This is the outline for Session 1 of the five session series of GARP YYC Data Science Labs for Risk Managers and Trading Professionals ^©^

GARP YYC Data Science Lab is a Hybrid Real and Virtual event that will cover topics related to Data Science and Trading/Risk Management. The intent of the meeting is to create a virtual environment for the participants to continue their discussions even after the live meeting is over.

This meeting is organized by GARP Calgary and with the support of GARP.

Meeting Logistics and Setup

Please have R and Rstudio Installed on your Laptop if you want to follow the meeting in the live session.

(1) Google+: If you are on Google+ you can directly participate in this event from Google+ by Clicking on Big Data YYC. Or alternatively you can watch the meeting by scrolling down in this page.

(2) Github The files used in this session are located in the Github

(3) R and R Studio In order to follow the session
+ Install R + Install Rstudio


The intended Audience for this meeting are:

While not required, some exposure to analytic tools such as R, Python, Matlab, SAS, and etc… will be useful. Most of material will use R and tools in the R ecosystem.


There are number of really interesting R resources and courses you can use to get up-to-speed with the material covered in this session:


(1) Getting Started R Package
(2) Brief introduction to R Packages (3) R Data Structure (4) Accessing Data using Web APIs (5) Data Munging Using dplyr (6) Data Visualization Using ggplot2

Live Meeting