Using R with S3

Oct 20, 2015 in other


Amazon S3 is great in many ways. It is very easy to use and it works well with R. I have recently came across this package by [Gastrograph] You can literially get this up and running in few line. All you need is:

The author mentions that the tool is not functional in either MAC OS or Windows. There is also a requirement to have libxml2-dev and libcurl3-dev is installed. Although if you have curl or xml packages installed correctly you should be OK.

Now here are the steps to get this up and running:

Install the packages from Github as the package is not on cran.

if needed:


Now install the package RS3 from github:


If everything goes well, you are ready to play:

# you can find this under IAM Management Console --> your name in the upper right --> creat access key
# here you should see message saying: initialized correctly....

Now you are connected to S3 bucket you can get and put files from the repository.

file <- "path to the file"
# This function Uploads files to S3 
# This function downloads the file from S3 

Overall this is a great package that streamlines working with S3. I only hope to see the MAC OS and Windows versions.